

THE SCOOP | Documents Reveal Details of Adani Group's Controversial Bid to Run Kenya's Largest Airport

Last week, a whistleblower sparked outrage in Kenya after he claimed in a social media post that the country’s main airport would be leased...

OCCRP Podcast: Dirty Deeds
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THE SCOOP | Kyrgyz Activist Jailed for Facebook Posts Says She Was Framed

Kanykei Aranova says someone else created a Facebook profile in her name, and posted the anti-government messages that led to her conviction. Activist Kanykei Aranova. (Photo: Screenshot of ...
16 Jul 2024
OCCRP and Bolot Temirov (Temirov Live)

How Crypto ATMs in the U.S. Became A Favorite Tool for Scammers

While crypto ATM operators insist they take steps to protect the public, investigators say the machines are a gift to criminal networks. (Photo: James O’Brien/OCCRP)
15 Jul 2024
Dan Mika (OCCRP), Kevin G. Hall (OCCRP), Emma Wright (OCCRP), and Grethel Aguila (Miami Herald)

U.S. Healthcare Firm Embroiled in Malta Corruption Scandal Spent Millions on Private Spies

U.S. healthcare operator Steward paid over $7 million to U.K.-based intelligence firms that conducted surveillance and disinformation operations against its critics — and even a Steward employee. ...
1 Jul 2024
Khadija Sharife (OCCRP) and Tom Stocks (OCCRP)

UK Tories Received Donation from Company Linked to Conservative Baroness’s Scandal-Hit Husband

A small company that donated to the U.K. Conservatives in 2020 has multiple connections to Doug Barrowman, who is at the center of a major scandal involving ...
24 Jun 2024
Peter Geoghegan (OCCRP) and James Fitzpatrick (OCCRP)

Emails Show How Millions Flowed to ‘Political Consultants’ in Malta Hospital Corruption Case

Bankrupt U.S. company Steward Health Care sent 7.6 million euros ($8.1 million) to a Swiss firm that paid consultancy fees to former Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, ...
17 Jun 2024
Khadija Sharife (OCCRP) and Jacob Borg (Times of Malta)

Ukrainian Women Share Their Accounts of Rape by Russian Forces, As Reporters Investigate Their Assailants

Two young women gave their accounts of rape by Russian soldiers to the Kyiv Independent, who set out to identify those responsible. Daria, a Ukrainian woman in her ...
14 Jun 2024
Olesia Bida, Myroslava Chaiun (The Kyiv Independent)




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